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21 Aug 2024

5 Top Tips for Speaking at eCommerce Expo & Technology for Marketing

5 Top Tips for Speaking at eCommerce Expo & Technology for Marketing

Hello everyone! I’m Alyssia, the Senior Event Content Manager for eCommerce Expo & Technology for Marketing. If you're gearing up to speak at the conference, I’ve got some essential tips to help you deliver an impactful presentation. Here are my top five recommendations for making the most of your time on stage. 


1. Be Practical 

Whether you're on a panel, delivering a keynote, or participating in a fireside chat, focus on providing actionable insights and real-world examples rather than speaking in vague terms. Your audience is looking for concrete takeaways they can apply in their own work. 

For example: 

Don’t say: “It’s important to understand your customer to increase website traffic.” 

Do say: “We weren’t achieving the click-through rates we needed to drive valuable traffic to our site. To address this, we segmented our audience based on purchase behavior and tailored our email campaigns accordingly. Last quarter, by personalising subject lines based on previous purchases, we saw a 25% increase in click-through rates.” 

This approach ensures your audience leaves with specific strategies they can implement in their own businesses. 

2. Use the Challenge > Process > Success Format 

A powerful way to structure your presentation is by framing your points within the Challenge > Process > Success format. This method allows you to clearly articulate your journey and provide a roadmap for your audience to follow. 

Let’s take Innocent Drinks as an example: 


Raise awareness and funds for Age UK while promoting Innocent's values of community and sustainability. 


  • Creative Concept: They invited people to knit tiny woolen hats for their drinks, with a donation made to Age UK for each hatted bottle sold. 

  • Community Engagement: Partnered with knitting groups, schools, and individuals to create and donate hats, fostering a community spirit. 

  • Marketing Campaign: Utilised social media, email newsletters, and in-store promotions to spread the word and encourage participation. 

  • Collaborations: Worked with retailers to display hatted bottles prominently and raise awareness about the campaign's cause. 


The campaign generated over 7.5 million knitted hats and raised more than £2.5 million for Age UK, significantly boosting brand visibility while reinforcing Innocent's image as a socially responsible brand. 

This format not only gives your audience a clear understanding of your journey but also provides valuable guidance for their own strategies and plans. 

3. Increase Audience Engagement with Prizes 

Everyone loves a freebie! If you're representing a well-known brand, consider offering some of your products or services for free during your session. 

You could announce at the beginning, “At the end of the session, we’ll be handing out some of our chocolate bars, drinks, or offering free training to whoever asks the best questions during the audience Q&A.” 

This not only keeps your audience engaged throughout the session but also gives you a chance for some extra branding. 

4. Put Yourself in the Delegates' Shoes 

When preparing your presentation, think about what you would want to see if you were in the audience. Here are some key aspects to focus on: 

  • Vocal Enthusiasm: Vary your tone to keep the audience engaged, articulate clearly, and pace yourself effectively. 

  • Warm Body Language: Stand confidently with your shoulders back, make eye contact (but don’t overdo it), and use your hands to articulate points. Avoid repetitive, distracting movements like swaying or repetitive gestures. 

  • Engaging Visuals: I have now been working with event content for 5+ years and I still see speakers using decks that are way too text heavy. In our attention-scarce world, a text-heavy slide can be a major turn-off. Use images or videos as prompts to keep your audience visually engaged. This will require more practice to ensure smooth delivery, but it’s definitely worth the effort. 

5. Provide Clear Takeaways 

As you wrap up your session, make sure to offer clear, actionable takeaways. If you’re on a panel, the moderator will usually handle this, but it’s important for any presentation. 

Your takeaways should answer these key questions: 

  • What are the main points or findings from the session? 

  • Why are these points important? 

  • What should be the next steps or actions for delegates? 

By focusing on these tips, you can ensure that your presentation is not only engaging but also provides valuable insights that your audience will remember long after the conference is over. Good luck, and I can’t wait to see you shine on stage at eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing! 



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