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18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

Content Hub

27 Jul 2024

Building Strong Partnerships Between Retailers and Marketplaces for Excellent Customer Service

Building Strong Partnerships Between Retailers and Marketplaces for Excellent Customer Service

In this conference session, Paul Wilkinson, Product Director at Deliveroo, shared insights on fostering strong partnerships between retailers and marketplaces to enhance customer service.


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Key Insights:

  1. Partnership Development: Deliveroo is collaborating with grocery retailers to enable the rapid delivery of small online grocery orders, leveraging deep partnerships to streamline the process.

  2. On-Demand Grocery Delivery: Deliveroo pioneered on-demand grocery delivery in 2018. The Covid-19 pandemic significantly accelerated this service, which now constitutes 11% of Deliveroo's business.

  3. Logistics Network: Deliveroo partners with major grocery chains, providing the logistics network while the stores use their own employees for picking and packing. This approach allows grocers to offer fast delivery without investing in their own infrastructure.

  4. Adaptation of Services: Deliveroo has modified its restaurant-focused app and operations to cater to grocery delivery needs, accommodating larger product ranges, improved search functions, and product availability.

  5. Advanced Integration: Deliveroo provides advanced integration capabilities to partners, including stock level APIs, sales-based ordering, and custom picking apps, enhancing efficiency and order accuracy.

  6. Technology Integration: Deep technological integration between Deliveroo and its grocery partners ensures customers can reliably obtain the products they need, fostering customer loyalty and repeat business.

This session underscored the importance of strategic partnerships and technological integration in delivering superior customer service in the on-demand grocery delivery market.

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