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18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

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05 Sep 2024

Meet Our Exhibitors: Ecommpay's Moshe Winegarten

Ecommpay Stand: K20
Meet Our Exhibitors: Ecommpay's Moshe Winegarten

Ahead of 2024’s eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing, we picked the brains of Moshe Winegarten, Chief Revenue Officer at payment service provider Ecommpay, to see what he’s most looking forward to seeing at the events and the biggest challenges facing eCommerce retailers ahead of peak season.


What industry trends are you looking forward to seeing at this year’s eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

It will be interesting to see any developments that really address the barriers to check-out for the customer experience. There are still too many reasons that e-commerce brands lose customers before check-out – from not being offered the preferred payment choice to being thrown out simply because they miskeyed their payment details. A ‘try again’ function would fix that. With so many businesses expanding globally, international capability – local language capability for example - should be another feature that’s standard in merchants' payment pages.


What are the biggest challenges facing eCommerce retailers heading into Q4 and peak season?

So much time, effort and resources are, quite rightly, put into what the front end looks like – ensuring a brand will reach the right customers and appeal in a noisy marketplace. But the risk is that the end of the journey will be forgotten and will be left the same from one year to the next. Payments are evolving so rapidly, with consumers expecting the choice that fits their needs. From the payment method they are most familiar with to buy now pay later options, it’s critical that the same commitment to development is made to this aspect of an e-commerce site too.


What is most exciting to you about the eCommerce and digital marketing industry right now?

Its ability to pivot and innovate in response to new opportunities. E-commerce, by the sheer nature of its origins, is all about innovation. And it’s great to see that the appetite for innovation hasn’t waned as the sector has matured. What’s critical now is that no-one is left behind. Accessibility to all has to be a driver for all businesses and that’s no less important for e-commerce brands. At Ecommpay, we are highly focused on empowering merchants to make their sites as accessible as possible.


Why is it important to bring the industry together at events like eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

Collaboration fosters innovation. There’s no better reason to come together with like-minded colleagues to share ideas, learn and have some fun.


What’s the best piece of advice you would give to new people joining the industry?

Listen, learn, don’t assume. Always ask questions.


Meet the Ecommpay team on Stand K20:


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