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02 Oct 2024

Meet Our Exhibitors: Nibble's CEO Rosie Bailey

Nibble Stand: EP5
Meet Our Exhibitors: Nibble's CEO Rosie Bailey

As this year’s eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing come to a close, Rosie Bailey, Founder & CEO at AI negotiation platform Nibble, talks about what she found most insightful from the show and the hottest trends driving developments in eCommerce and marketing.


What industry trends excited you the most at this year’s eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

The rapid adoption of AI and the surge in B2B eCommerce are the trends I was most excited to see.

Gen AI tools like Chat GPT are seeing the most rapid new technology adoption we have ever witnessed and its driving huge changes in consumer behaviour. If an experience is not immediate, seamless and potentially also gamified it might as well be invisible! I am bullish on chatbots, voice controllers and smart glasses for example.

On the flip side, global enterprises and regulators are scrambling to keep up. While everyone is using AI, very few are doing so openly or effectively. I was eager to see how companies are navigating these challenges, especially those who are delivering measurable financial impact, as well as exploring how businesses are tackling the need for transparency and ethical AI.


Meet Rosie Bailey


What are the biggest challenges facing eCommerce retailers heading into Q4 and peak season?

One of the biggest challenges is the lack of real-time pricing insights, leading to a reliance on heavy discounts and blanket deals. This strategy, while tempting, often erodes margins and damages brand perception, resulting in unsustainable growth, as we've seen with high profile brand troubles like at allbirds.

Similarly, Black Friday customers who are notoriously price-sensitive and less loyal in the long term pose their own challenge. Retailers need to find a balance between attracting these bargain hunters and maintaining a profitable, loyal customer base which I think is possible via personalisation and best in class customer experience.


What is most exciting to you about the eCommerce and digital marketing industry right now?

The ability to personalise experiences at scale is incredibly exciting. We’re moving beyond putting customers into cohorts and now have the tools to offer truly 1:1 personalised experiences. This is a game-changer in how brands engage with their valued customers.

Experiential marketing is also seeing some great innovation. Combining online and offline experiences—like a Jellycat pop-up that serves fish and chips—creates memorable brand interactions that go beyond the screen and into the real world, strengthening brand loyalty in ways that traditional marketing can’t.


Why is it important to bring the industry together at events like eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

Bringing the industry together is crucial because innovation thrives on collaboration. While we often focus on differences between verticals, events like these highlight our similarities and shared challenges.

There’s something irreplaceable about in-person interactions. Relationships built at these events last for life. Let’s all get off LinkedIn and into the real world!


What’s the best piece of advice you would give to new people joining the industry?

Learn to negotiate—it’s an essential life skill. I often hear people say, “I hate negotiating” or “I’m terrible at haggling,” but like riding a bike, it’s a skill you can master. You don’t need to be a hard-nosed negotiator; in fact, the best negotiations are often conducted with a light touch, a smile, and maybe even a joke.

It’s all about preparation and knowing your limits. Remember, negotiation isn’t about winning; it’s about finding a win-win solution and it might just make you smile!

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